
Kazakhstan’s Gender Equality Drive: Experts Praise Nationwide Effort

Experts and Leaders Collaborate to Address Gender Inequality in Kazakhstan

ASTANA – On June 20, a webinar brought together prominent experts from various fields to discuss the multifaceted and collective efforts required to tackle gender inequality in Kazakhstan. Hosted by the Washington-based Jamestown Foundation and the Energy, Growth, and Security program of the International Tax and Investment Center (ITIC), the discussions focused on key issues such as the recently adopted law criminalizing domestic violence, economic empowerment, and the role of education in fostering gender equality.

A High-profile Catalyst for Change

The tragic murder of Saltanat Nukenova served as a wake-up call for Kazakhstan, sparking nationwide awareness of domestic violence and leading to the adoption of the law criminalizing such acts. Madina Jarbussynova, a Kazakh diplomat, described this legislative victory as a triumph for civil society and gender activists in Kazakhstan. The law aims to prevent violence in families and society through the establishment of family centers.

Deep-rooted Causes for Gender Inequality

Jarbussynova highlighted the deep-rooted gender inequality and discrimination in Kazakhstan, identifying factors such as a gender wage gap, underrepresentation of women in politics, and cultural and traditional beliefs shaping social norms. The country’s commitment to addressing these issues on a global scale, including through international alliances and conventions, demonstrates a dedication to promoting gender equality and protecting women’s rights.

Challenges and Opportunities in Education

Education plays a crucial role in advancing gender equality, as emphasized by Dina Daniyarova, a coordinator for the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) in Kazakhstan. The AWE program aims to empower women through education and entrepreneurship, reaching over 100 participants and contributing to changing perceptions and understanding of gender-based violence.

Looking Ahead

While legislative changes and international commitments are important steps in addressing gender inequality, the webinar participants emphasized the need for a comprehensive approach involving all levels of society. Addressing biases, promoting economic empowerment for women, and engaging men in gender equality efforts are essential for creating lasting change. By working together and learning from the example set by Kazakhstan, progress towards gender equality can be achieved not only in the country but also globally.


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