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Kılıçdaroğlu pledges to make MEB independent like Central Bank

CHP Leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu recently took to Twitter to announce his plans for a new revolutionary project aimed at tackling Turkey’s education crisis. In a video he shared on the platform, Kılıçdaroğlu talked about the state of education in the country and how it is failing the nation’s children.

He said that the education system in Turkey has been systematically destroyed for many years, with the bill for the last 20 years being very heavy. He also pointed out that the education expenditure of a family in Turkey is more than twice the OECD average, and that 3.5 million children in Turkey are out of education. Children who are deprived of education in order to support their homes are trapped in the cycle of poverty, and they should not have a better future than their parents.

Kılıçdaroğlu also announced his plan to make education an institution that politics cannot enter, stating that the biggest enemy of good education is politics. He plans to reform the Ministry of Education according to the pedagogical rules accepted in the world and to purify it from the influence of politics. In other words, political parties should know their limits on national issues above politics and not introduce politics into those areas. The aim is to transform it into an independent structure like its bank, into an institution that politics will never enter. Thanks to this structure, whose doors will be completely closed to political interventions, education will be directed by the star experts of education and the boards formed by them. These boards will reveal the education policies. The Ministry of National Education will be the executive ministry.

Kılıçdaroğlu also spoke about vocational education and its importance in this revolution. He plans to rebuild the entire vocational training system to cover both ancient professions, today’s needs and future professions that do not exist yet. He also mentioned that they studied the best vocational training practices all over the world and prepared a magnificent system suitable for Turkey. The goal is to provide education at international standards and diplomas with international validity. Vocational diplomas of Turkey’s youth all over the world will be valid, and they will use these acquired competencies not to flee the country, but to see the world and return to their country and apply them.



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