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Kosovo and Malta Join NATO Parliamentary Assembly as Associate Members

Approximately 400 representatives from 32 member countries attended the NATO PA Spring Meeting in Sofia. The meeting resulted in the acceptance of Kosovo and Malta as associate members of the Assembly despite some opposition.

With 1 “no” vote and 14 “abstentions”, Kosovo and Malta were granted associate membership status in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Previously serving as observers, these two countries will now have additional privileges and responsibilities within the Assembly.

As associate members, Kosovo and Malta will have the opportunity to increase their representation within the Assembly and participate in decision-making processes. They may also join various committee delegations visiting third countries, provided they meet certain conditions.

It is worth noting that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had expressed opposition to Kosovo’s membership aspirations earlier in March. Despite this, Kosovo’s acceptance as an associate member marks a significant step forward in its relationship with NATO.



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