
Kyrgyzstan Raises Alarm on Glacier Melting at UN Climate Conference in Bonn

Kyrgyz President’s Special Representative Reveals Impact of Melting Glaciers on Central Asia

BONN—At the recent United Nations Climate Meetings in Bonn, Germany, Dinara Kemelova, the Kyrgyz President’s Special Representative for mountainous regions, highlighted the significant impact of melting glaciers in the Kyrgyz Republic on the entire Central Asian region. The link between climate change and glacier melt is becoming more evident, raising concerns about the future consequences.

According to Kemelova, the most affected by glacier melt are the vulnerable populations living in mountainous regions, who have contributed minimally to the emissions causing this environmental crisis. The Central Asian region heavily relies on meltwater from Kyrgyz glaciers for drinking water and irrigation, making glacier preservation a critical issue for the entire region.

The loss of glaciers can lead to severe water shortages and other climate hazards, such as loss of biodiversity, flooding, land degradation, and drought. Countries like Slovenia and Venezuela have already lost their glaciers, demonstrating the urgent need for global action to mitigate climate change and preserve mountain ecosystems.

Kyrgyzstan, home to numerous mountain ranges including the Tian Shan and Pamir Mountains, has been actively promoting sustainable mountain development and recently announced a five-year action plan for the development of mountain regions. The country is advocating for international cooperation and dialogue to address the challenges posed by glacier melt, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all nations in combating climate change.

Kemelova stressed the importance of global collaboration in tackling glacier melt, urging countries to unite in efforts to preserve mountain ecosystems and protect communities dependent on them. As the Central Asian region works towards forming a mountain partnership group within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the hope is to create a unified voice that calls for action on the pressing issues of glacier preservation and climate change.


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