
Leader of Hungary’s Second-Largest Leftist Party’s Father Accused of Physical Assault and Indecency

Budapest Appeals Court Changes Ruling in Case of Evangelical Pastor and Former Lawmaker

The Budapest Appeals Court has made a significant decision regarding the case of László Donáth, an evangelical pastor and former Socialist lawmaker. The court announced on Friday that it has changed the first-instance ruling in the case.

Donáth was facing accusations of physical assault and indecency. The charges stemmed from an incident where an employee of the institute where Donáth served as a pastor accused him of attacking them on June 8, 2019. The employee claimed that Donáth had choked and threatened them for leaving a cleaning trolley in a place that he had previously prohibited. Additionally, the accuser reported indecent episodes that had allegedly occurred between 2017 and 2019.

In its decision on Friday, the appeals court rejected the indecency charges, citing that they had been filed beyond the court deadline. Furthermore, the court reduced the fine imposed on Donáth from 1 million forints (EUR 2,600) to 250,000 forints.

It is important to note that the prosecution has appealed the ruling, indicating that the legal battle is not yet over.

This case has garnered significant attention, and the ruling by the Budapest Appeals Court is sure to spark further discussion. As the legal proceedings continue, it remains to be seen how the case of László Donáth will ultimately unfold.


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