
Livestock Breeders and Unions to Protest at Prime Ministry on Monday

Animal Producers and Breeders Association Announces Protest in Front of Prime Ministry

The Animal Producers and Breeders Association has decided to continue their action in response to the government’s policies affecting input costs for livestock and dairy production. After unsuccessful consultations today, they have announced plans to protest in front of the Prime Ministry on Monday at 11:00.

Joining them in solidarity are the Turkish Cypriot Public Servants’ Union (KTAMS) and the Public Workers’ Union (Kamu-İş), who have declared a general strike on Monday in support of the action.

President of the Animal Producers and Breeders Association, Mustafa Naimoğulları, stated that they are preparing for a strong demonstration in front of the Prime Ministry on Monday. He emphasized the importance of showing unity and strength in their protest.

KTAMS President, Güven Bengihan, emphasized the need for social solidarity and urged everyone to support the livestock breeders in their cause. Bengihan announced a full-day general strike on Monday and called it a day for social solidarity to transform into a social struggle against injustice and corruption.

Ahmet Serdaroğlu, President of the Federation of Free Trade Unions (Hür-İş) and Kamu-İş, emphasized the importance of society’s support on Monday and called on all to participate in the demonstration.

Overall, various unions and organizations have come together in support of the Animal Producers and Breeders Association, stating their commitment to stand with them in their protest. Monday is expected to be a day of unity and action as they fight for fair treatment and policies in the livestock industry. Stay tuned for more updates on the planned demonstration.



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