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Long-lost English siblings find each other after 70 years with DNA test

Three Siblings Reunite After DNA Test Reveals Long-Lost Family Connection

In a heartwarming story of family reunification, three siblings in their 70s were brought together after a DNA test uploaded to the MyHeritage website revealed a match. Josie Morey from the Isle of Wight, England, Jim McLoughlin from Liverpool, and Lorraine Williams from Canada finally met in person at a hotel in Southampton.

Lorraine Williams, originally from Liverpool, was unaware of her siblings’ existence as she had immigrated to Canada with her family at a young age. After a year of keeping in touch, the siblings decided to come together for a long-awaited meeting.

The emotional reunion was described by Williams as a moment of pure joy and surprise, with overwhelming feelings of surrealism. Similarly, Josie Morey shared her amazement at the unexpected bond formed with her newfound siblings, sparked by a casual discussion about ancestry in the family.

Jim McLoughlin, who had grown up in monasteries and believed he had no other relatives, expressed his curiosity about his past and his astonishment at discovering long-lost siblings through the DNA test.

The siblings’ story serves as a reminder of the power of technology in bringing families together and the enduring bonds of kinship that can span decades. The reunion was a testament to the resilience of familial ties and the joy that comes with reconnecting with loved ones after so many years apart.


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