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Lowest Unemployment Rate in 11 Years

Minister Işıkhan Highlights Positive Workforce Statistics in Turkey

Minister Işıkhan recently took to his social media account to share some positive news regarding Turkey’s economy and workforce statistics. According to the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), the unemployment rate in April reached its lowest level in the last 11 years, standing at 8.5 percent with a decrease of 0.1 points from the previous month. Additionally, the number of unemployed individuals decreased by 18 thousand compared to the previous month and by 484 thousand compared to the same month in the previous year.

In his statement, Minister Işıkhan expressed his satisfaction with the current situation, emphasizing that Turkey’s economy continues to generate employment opportunities. He stated, “We continue to see the results of our employment-supporting policies better every day.” The employment number in April 2024 increased by 983 thousand compared to the same month in the previous year, reaching 32 million 618 thousand people. Furthermore, the employment rate increased by 1.1 points to 49.5 percent.

Minister Işıkhan also highlighted the positive trend of increased employment among young people and women, reaching historical peaks in recent years. Although the youth unemployment rate increased by 1.2 points compared to the same period last year, the overall unemployment rate decreased by 2.9 points.

Looking ahead, Minister Işıkhan stated, “We will continue to prioritize employment through policies that ensure economic stability and the permanent welfare of our citizens in the future.” With this commitment to supporting the workforce and creating job opportunities, Turkey is on track for continued economic growth and prosperity.


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