
Majority of Kazakh Citizens Look Towards Future with Optimism

The Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies (KazISS) recently conducted a sociological survey that revealed an overwhelming sense of optimism among citizens. From May 11 to June 22, data collected showed that 68.3% of respondents are hopeful about the future.

Among those surveyed, 37.6% expressed expectations of significant improvements, while 30.7% anticipated slight enhancements in living conditions. Analysts attribute this positive outlook to advancements in education, healthcare, communications, and housing accessibility.

Financially, one-third of participants reported an improvement in their situation, with 31.6% experiencing no change. Furthermore, 27.1% noted a significant increase in their well-being, while 8.6% reported a decline in their financial status to some extent.

The government’s efforts to raise the minimum wage, increase salaries for doctors and medical staff, enhance pensions and benefits for millions of recipients, improve scholarships for students, and revise microcredit and business regulations have contributed to this overall improvement. Additionally, investments in healthcare, education, housing, and road maintenance have played a crucial role in boosting citizen satisfaction levels.

The survey, which included 8,000 respondents aged 18 and above from various regions and cities in Kazakhstan, also highlighted widespread support for the country’s modernization initiatives. In fact, 68.1% of citizens believe that Kazakhstan is moving in the right direction.

Overall, the findings of the survey reflect a positive outlook among the Kazakh population, showcasing a sense of hope and progress for the future.


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