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Man Fined $6 Million for Using Biden’s Voice to Call Voters

A recent incident in the United States has highlighted the growing concerns surrounding the malicious use of artificial intelligence. In New Hampshire, a political consultant was fined a record $6 million for using artificial intelligence to impersonate President Joe Biden’s voice in calls made to voters before the primaries in January.

The Federal Communications Commission imposed the fine on Steven Kramer, who was accused of utilizing technology to create fake identities and deceive voters. The calls, made through Lingo Telecom, violated the “Caller Identification Act” and resulted in a hefty penalty for both Kramer and the telecommunications company.

The incident sheds light on the potential dangers of AI technology being misused for deceptive purposes. While artificial intelligence has undoubtedly made life easier in many ways, its malicious use poses a threat that cannot be overlooked. As the use of AI continues to expand, it is crucial for regulations and safeguards to be implemented to prevent such instances of misuse in the future.


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