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Unnecessary Calls Strain the 112 Emergency Call Center

The 112 Emergency Call Center operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to respond to emergencies promptly. However, recent reports show that almost 60 percent of calls made to the Edirne 112 Emergency Call Center in the last 3 months were unfounded.

According to call reception staff at the center, some citizens have been making frivolous calls, such as reporting false emergencies, requesting surveillance on spouses or partners, ordering food, or even asking for an ambulance for sick pets. One individual even called in to reach a popular TV character from a show.

The excessive and unnecessary calls not only waste the time and resources of the emergency response teams but also put a strain on the employees working at the call center. In response to these issues, Edirne 112 Emergency Call Center Manager İsmail Öztuna emphasized the importance of using the emergency hotline only for genuine emergencies. He also mentioned that those found making false reports could face an administrative fine of 1980 lira.

It is crucial for the public to understand the severity of misusing the emergency call center and to reserve it for true emergencies where immediate assistance is needed. Let us all work together to ensure that the 112 Emergency Call Center can continue to provide efficient and effective emergency response services to those in need.


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