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Market Expectations Shift After New Record Highs

The stock market has seen a significant increase of more than 20 percent since the start of the year, with the index reaching an all-time high of over 9,000 points on Friday. On the other hand, the price of gram gold, which previously broke records, is currently hovering around 2,000 TL.

The question arises as to what is more attractive between gold, the dollar, stock market, and deposit interest. Economist Hikmet Baydar has provided insights into this topic, discussing year-end expectations for gram gold in a recent interview.

According to Baydar, while the stock market has experienced some nominal gains, real-term data shows a negative trend. Efforts to combat inflation have pushed up stock prices, but this trend may not be sustainable. In addition, while the stock market has shown growth in dollar terms, it has not yet reached its previous peak, raising concerns for investors.

The most attractive investment tool at the moment appears to be gold, as it has provided real income based on recent data. Hikmet Baydar also predicts a potential increase in gram gold prices, with a high probability of reaching 2900 TL by the end of the year.

In summary, while the stock market has seen a notable increase, there are concerns about its sustainability and real returns. On the other hand, gold remains an attractive investment option, especially given the current economic climate. As we move forward, it will be essential for investors to carefully consider their options and monitor market developments to make informed decisions.



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