
Market Stall Prices: What’s the Deal?

As summer arrives, people eagerly wait for the new bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables to appear on the market stalls. To take a look at the current prices, CNN TÜRK Correspondent Serdar Er and Cameraman Engin Özbek visited the district market in Istanbul Bağcılar.

The market was bursting with an array of colorful and delicious fruits and vegetables, which included cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, watermelons, and much more. Despite the variety of produce available, the prices were found to be reasonable and affordable.

In fact, customers could find good deals on different types of fruits and vegetables, especially if they were willing to shop around and haggle a bit. For example, the reporters found that some stalls were selling cherries for 15 Turkish Lira ($2) a kilogram, while others were offering the same amount for 10 Turkish Lira ($1.34).

Similarly, watermelons were available for around 2.5-3 Turkish Lira ($0.33-$0.40) per kilogram, depending on the variety and quality. The prices of peppers and tomatoes also varied slightly, with some stalls selling them for a higher price than others.

Overall, the market appeared to offer a good selection of fresh fruits and vegetables at prices that were affordable for most people. The reporters noted that the atmosphere was also lively and cheerful, with vendors sharing their knowledge and tips about the produce and customers enjoying the summer weather as they shopped.

In conclusion, as the summer harvest continues, people can look forward to experiencing a diverse range of fresh and delicious fruits and vegetables at affordable prices. Shopping at local markets is a great way to support local farmers and discover new flavors while also enjoying the outdoor air.



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