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MEB facilitates transfers and transitions to open education high schools

New Regulations Allow for Transfers to Open Education High Schools

A new regulation has been implemented by the Ministry of National Education, allowing for certain students to transfer from formal secondary education institutions to open education high schools. The Regulation on Amendments to the Regulation on Secondary Education Institutions has recently come into effect after being published in the Official Gazette.

Under the new regulation, students who have experienced the loss of a parent, have been placed in protective custody under the Social Services Law, or are in temporary care before adoption as per the Turkish Civil Code can now transfer to open education high schools. This opportunity is available to those who apply within 6 months of the regulation coming into force.

Additionally, students who have received measures under the Child Protection Law or have had to change their residence temporarily due to the Protection of the Family and Prevention of Violence Against Women Law will also be eligible to switch to open education within the same timeframe.

Furthermore, children of individuals with specific disabilities, martyrs, veterans, victims of crimes, national athletes, and those in penal institutions as detainees or convicts can transfer to open education high schools, vocational open education high schools, or open education imam hatip high schools if they meet the necessary criteria.

Other students who are eligible for transfer include those who receive education at home or in hospitals, those with specific health conditions, and those who have lost their right to study in formal secondary education institutions. Students in these categories can also transfer to open education high schools upon parental request.

Moreover, students who have completed their compulsory education but did not enroll in a formal secondary education institution, as well as those registered in memorization modules or Quran courses, athletes with a license, and participants in Olympic preparation centers can also transfer to open education high schools.

With these new regulations, the Ministry of National Education aims to provide more opportunities for students in various circumstances to continue their education in open education high schools. Students and parents are encouraged to review the criteria and consider transferring if they meet the requirements outlined in the regulation.



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