
Media Brief: Essential Information

Turkmenistan and Iran Strengthen Gas Cooperation

For many years, Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran have maintained strong relations in the gas industry, based on friendship, mutual respect, and equal partnership. The two countries have worked together on mutually beneficial projects, including the supply of Turkmen gas to Iran and to other nations through its territory.

The collaborative efforts between Turkmenistan and Iran have paved the way for expanded cooperation in the gas sector. Currently, both nations are actively engaged in implementing agreements at the highest state level to enhance gas cooperation. Iranian companies are set to construct a new 125-kilometer gas pipeline and three gas compressor stations in Turkmenistan to facilitate the delivery of additional gas volumes to Iran. Plans are underway to increase gas supply to Iran to 40 billion cubic meters per year, opening up new routes for gas transportation.

To further advance their gas partnership, Turkmenistan and Iran recently held negotiations in Ashgabat from July 1-3, 2024. The discussions focused on various aspects of enhancing cooperation in the gas industry between the two countries.

Following the productive meetings, Turkmenistan and Iran signed a contract for the purchase and sale of natural gas up to 10 billion cubic meters per year. This gas will be supplied from Turkmenistan to Iraq through Iran’s territory under the SWAP scheme, bolstering energy ties between the nations.

The ongoing collaboration between Turkmenistan and Iran in the gas sector highlights the commitment of both countries to strengthen their partnership and leverage the vast opportunities for mutual benefit in the energy industry.


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