
Meeting between Turkmenistan’s UN Representative and Human Rights Watch in Geneva

A meeting was held on May 28, 2024, between Vepa Hajiyev, the Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan to the UN Office in Geneva, and Hilary Power, the director of the Geneva office of the non-governmental organization Human Rights Watch (HRW). The purpose of the meeting was to establish contact between the two parties for further collaboration on human rights issues.

During the meeting, both parties exchanged views on mutual interests and discussed opportunities for future cooperation in the humanitarian sphere. In order to ensure the effectiveness of their partnership, they agreed to maintain regular communication at the Geneva site.

This meeting highlights the commitment of Turkmenistan and Human Rights Watch to work together towards promoting and protecting human rights. By building strong relationships and engaging in discussions, both parties aim to address important human rights issues and make a positive impact in the field of human rights.

The interaction between Turkmenistan and Human Rights Watch underscores the importance of dialogue and collaboration in advancing human rights globally. Through continued communication and cooperation, it is hoped that progress will be made in promoting and protecting the rights of all individuals.


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