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Meral Akşener attends movie premiere ‘Zübeyde, Mothers and Sons’

İYİ Party Leader Meral Akşener attended the premiere of the movie ‘Zübeyde, Mothers and Sons’ at the Nazım Hikmet Cultural Center. The film focuses on the life of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s mother, Zübeyde. After the screening, Akşener expressed her gratitude to everyone involved in the film and praised their efforts in accurately depicting Zübeyde’s life.

Akşener remarked, “May God bless each and every person who contributed to this film. They have created a movie that deeply touched us, our hearts, and most importantly, portrayed mother Zübeyde exactly as she was. It was incredible because the film accurately reflected the memories I’ve heard from my own family. This movie took me on a journey. I urge our entire nation, especially women and young people, to watch it.”

As someone who has taught the history of the Republic for 15 years, Akşener emphasized her personal connection to Atatürk. She stated, “The biggest part of me is my father’s uncle, who was a friend of Atatürk. Therefore, I grew up hearing many stories from my family. Our elders recognize us as a family with deep ties to Atatürk. At times, I felt that Zübeyde Hanım was portrayed unfairly, and it caused me great pain.”

Akşener also highlighted the role of women in Turkey’s history, saying, “All the migrations of women, both from the Caucasus and the Balkans, were carried out by the women of this country. They endured countless hardships for the sake of their children’s happiness and the service they would provide to their country. The movie was truly magnificent.”

The attendance of Meral Akşener, a prominent political figure, at the premiere of ‘Zübeyde, Mothers and Sons’ has further garnered attention and is expected to contribute to the film’s success. The movie’s focus on the life of Zübeyde, a significant figure in Turkish history, has resonated with audiences, and Akşener’s endorsement is likely to encourage a wider viewership.



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