
Meral Akşener congratulates Mr. Erdogan.

Meral Akşener, the head of the IYI Party, one of the partners of the Nation Alliance, has made a statement on the results of the second round of the presidential election. In her statement, she thanked all citizens, especially young people and women, who participated in the election. She highlighted that the economy is one of the many problems that have been overshadowed by the elections for months and now is the time to find solutions to these problems.

Akşener emphasized that the voter is the purest criterion for them, and the will of the people is the crown of their heads. She congratulated Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who was re-elected president according to uncertain results. She added that there are crucial lessons to be learned from the election results, and she hopes that Mr. Erdogan’s ambition to win will not blind him again.

The head of the IYI Party also stated that they would not allow their nation to be a prisoner of any fear. They will still be in Parliament and will continue to work for the betterment of the country. Tonight, Akşener will be attending a meeting with the Table of 6 at the CHP Headquarters to discuss the election results.

In conclusion, Akşener urged the nation not to despair and reminded them that democracy provides an opportunity to discuss and object to anything. She emphasized that the table of democracy is large enough for everyone and encouraged everyone to work together to find solutions to the country’s problems.



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