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MHP Leader Bahçeli’s Last Minute Statements in Yalova

MHP Leader Bahçeli Gives Statements on Elections

MHP Leader Devlet Bahçeli held an open-air meeting in Yalova, where he expressed his gratitude to the attendees and prayed for the upcoming elections to bring beneficial and lasting results to the unity of the country and the future of democracy.

Bahçeli also criticized the opposition parties, particularly the CHP and its partners, who said no to the Iraq and Syria resolutions in October 2022 and essentially said no to the fight against terrorism on 14 May. He claimed that Kılıçdaroğlu’s companions promise the Presidency of Religious Affairs and that if these traitors do not stop, they will receive aggravated life sentences.

Bahçeli warned everyone that Turkey has no country or homeland to leave to separatists, terrorists, nationalists, demolition contractors, and an alliance of humiliation. He criticized the external forces bringing the Zillet Alliance to the strengthened parliamentary system and claimed that the side of the Zillet Alliance is the destruction of Turkey.

Bahçeli urged his supporters to vote for the MHP’s Yalova deputy candidates and Mr. Erdogan, emphasizing that the time has come for Turkey to fight with faith, excitement, and enthusiasm on 14 May.

In summary, Bahçeli’s statements showed his determination to protect the national honor of Turkey and to eliminate dream traders, sedition benches, and opponents of Turkey. He called on his supporters to vote for the MHP’s candidates and to embrace and protect Turkey on May 14.



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