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“Milliyet Reports YSK’s Decision on ‘Seal Stain'”

Complaints of ink stains on presidential ballot papers have been reported to Turkey’s Supreme Election Council (YSK) by political party representatives during the Presidential and 28th Term Parliamentary Elections. After examining the applications, YSK sent a message to all ballot box committee chairs calling for action to be taken in accordance with Article 101 of the Law on Fundamental Provisions of Elections and Electoral Registers No. 298.

The message stated that the stamp of the ballot box committee was put on the front of the presidential ballot box in some cases, and this seal was also seen on the front of the ballot box due to an ink stain, while the back of some ballots was sealed.

However, Article 98 of the same law states that envelopes without the seal of the district election board and ballot box committee, as well as those that are completely torn or covered by signatures and other signs, are deemed invalid. Nonetheless, envelopes with a watermark, emblem, and the seal of the District Election Board of the Republic of Turkey, even if they have stains or scratches, are considered valid if it cannot be clearly understood that they were made for the purpose of marking.

Article 101 of the law further states that envelopes that are accidentally torn without damaging their integrity or that are stained in a way that cannot be understood to have been made specifically to mark the ballot papers will not be invalidated during the reading of the votes.

The YSK’s call to action ensures that the election process remains valid despite any markings caused by ink stains or other factors. It is important that voters exercise their right to vote without any disruptions or challenges to the electoral process.



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