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Minister Işıkhan Announces 49.25% Raise for SSK and Bağ-Kur Retirees

Minister Işıkhan recently sat down for a special interview with TRT News, where he discussed various labor market policies and updates. Some of the key points from the interview include the intention to make active labor market programs carried out through İŞKUR more effective and comprehensive.

One significant change mentioned by the Minister is the reduction of the employment obligation rate after a course or program to 60%, down from the previous level of 3 times the duration of the program. This change is part of the government’s efforts to strengthen the labor market in the country.

Another important initiative highlighted by Minister Işıkhan is the reduction in the number of premium payment days from 600 to 450. Additionally, the increase in the pensions of SSK and Bağ-Kur retirees is set to rise to 49.25%.

In the interview, Minister Işıkhan also shared some positive news, including the announcement that the differences arising from the additional raise for SSK and Bağ-Kur retirees will be paid within 1 week after being published in the Official Gazette. Moreover, he declared that 2024 has been designated as the Year of Retirees and promised various economic, social, and cultural activities in store for retirees throughout the year.

Overall, the interview shed light on the government’s commitment to improving the labor market and ensuring better conditions for retirees. The Minister’s announcements show a proactive approach to addressing the needs of both workers and retirees in Turkey.



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