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Minister Işıkhan Meets with Mining Workers During Sahur

Minister Işıkhan Shares Sahur with Mine Workers

Minister Işıkhan recently shared a heartwarming moment on his social media account, showing him sitting down with mine workers at the Izmir Efemçukuru Mine for sahur. In his post, he emphasized the importance of labor, sweat, and solidarity, stating that the mine workers are the best example of hard work and dedication.

The Minister’s gesture of joining the mine workers for sahur highlights the close relationship he has with the workers and his commitment to understanding their challenges and needs. The shared meal provided an opportunity for dialogue and camaraderie, showcasing the importance of unity and mutual respect in the workplace.

During the sahur gathering, Minister Işıkhan took the time to listen to the concerns and experiences of the mine workers, further strengthening the bond between them. His presence at the table symbolizes his support for the workers and his recognition of their vital role in the mining industry.

The Minister’s message of appreciation and solidarity with the mine workers serves as a reminder of the value of hard work and the importance of acknowledging and supporting those who contribute to the industry. As we move forward, let us remember the dedication and sacrifice of all workers, like those at the Izmir Efemçukuru Mine, who play a crucial role in our society.



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