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Minister Tekin reveals potential changes to YKS exam

Minister Tekin recently took part in the “Young People Başa Başa” program on VAV TV, where he addressed various questions and concerns regarding changes in the field of education. One student raised the issue of criticism surrounding decisions made in education, to which Tekin responded by emphasizing the importance of taking the right steps to ensure the future of the country.

Tekin highlighted the need for the Ministry of National Education to quickly adapt to changes, especially in a world where children have easy access to information. He stressed the importance of updating the education system to reflect the needs of modern society.

Furthermore, Tekin emphasized the significance of children learning Turkish and their mother tongue first, before delving into foreign languages. He also shed light on the importance of teachers adapting to technology and the role of the National Education Academy.

When asked about potential changes to the YKS exam, Tekin stated that there were no immediate plans for alterations. He also touched upon the issue of parent involvement in the education process, noting that while parental support is crucial, they should not take on the role of teachers.

In response to concerns about interviews for teaching positions, Tekin explained the rigorous process in place to ensure the selection of qualified candidates. He defended the interview process as essential for entrusting teachers with the education of children.

Additionally, Tekin addressed criticisms regarding the length of the curriculum, stating that efforts have been made to reduce the content by one-third to ease the burden on students. He assured that Turkey is constantly improving in the field of education.

Overall, Minister Tekin’s insights shed light on the ongoing efforts to enhance the education system in Turkey and ensure a brighter future for the country’s youth.



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