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Minister Varank campaigns for election in Osmangazi

Minister Varank Meets with Citizens in Emek District

Minister Varank recently met with citizens in the Emek District as part of his election campaign. He expressed his support for the People’s Alliance in the upcoming presidential elections on May 14.

During the meeting, Varank criticized the 7-party coalition, accusing them of being in negotiations with terrorist organizations. He referred to the coalition’s dealings with the PKK and FETO, stating that Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu had eliminated Muharrem İnce with a tape operation.

Varank also emphasized that the nation would not tolerate tape operations and stated that the necessary response would be given to those that attempt such operations. He stated that the eyes of the coalition are “full of blood” and that they are so intrepid that they would oust a candidate they called “our candidate” five years ago through a tape operation.

In conclusion, Varank urged citizens to not allow the coalition to succeed and emphasized that the state will not be lost to such operations. The citizens were receptive to Varank’s speech and expressed their support for the People’s Alliance in the upcoming election.



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