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Minister Yerlikaya reveals images of operation targeting 4 alleged high-level terrorists in Siirt

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya has announced the successful completion of the GÜRZ-2 operation in the rural area of the Pervari district of Siirt against a terrorist organization. The operation resulted in the neutralization of 4 terrorists, 2 in the orange category and 2 in the gray category. Minister Yerlikaya shared the details of the operation on his social media account, emphasizing the determination to eradicate these traitors from the sacred homeland.

In a statement titled ‘4 terrorists neutralized,’ Minister Yerlikaya highlighted the importance of this operation and the continuous efforts to combat terrorism. The terrorists neutralized in the operation were identified as individuals on the Ministry of Interior’s Wanted Terrorist List, including Semra Ayverdi, Baran Hemlin, Yakup Nisho, Destina Botan, and Bişenk Durmuş. These individuals were involved in multiple actions resulting in the martyrdom of security guards and civilians in various incidents.

The operation, carried out under the coordination of the Gendarmerie General Command Intelligence Directorate and the TEM Department Directorate, involved the deployment of Air Force Command planes, ATAK attack helicopters, and J-SİHA, as well as Gendarmerie Special Operations (JÖH), Gendarmerie Special Public Security Command (JÖAK), and Gendarmerie Commando teams. The successful operation resulted in the neutralization of the terrorists and the elimination of a significant threat to national security.

Minister Yerlikaya expressed his gratitude to the Air Force Command, Gendarmerie, and Security Guards involved in the operation, praising their bravery and dedication to protecting the country. The Minister reiterated the commitment to continue the fight against terrorism until every last terrorist is neutralized.

The nation’s prayers and support are with the security forces as they work diligently to maintain peace and security in the region. This successful operation is a testament to the unwavering determination of the Turkish government to combat terrorism and protect its citizens.



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