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Ministry of Foreign Affairs Responds to Extension of Arms Embargo Lift on Greek Cypriot Administration

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has expressed its concerns over the decision by the USA to extend the lifting of the arms embargo against the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus. In a written statement, the Ministry highlighted the grave mistake that will increase armament on the island and disrupt the delicate balances in the region.

The USA had initially announced in September 2020 to lift the arms embargo against the Greek Cypriot Administration, which was expanded in 2022 and extended further in 2023. The decision to re-extend the arms embargo for one year as of October 1, 2024, has raised tensions in the region.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the TRNC emphasized that the move would prompt the Greek Cypriot Administration to enhance its defense capabilities, leading to a potential arms race on the island. The TRNC believes that it is imperative to take measures to strengthen its defense and deterrence capabilities in the face of increasing armament activities.

The decision to extend the arms embargo has sparked concerns about stability in the region, as it may further escalate tensions between the Greek Cypriot Administration and the TRNC. The Ministry urged all parties to seek peaceful and diplomatic solutions to prevent the escalation of the situation and maintain stability in the region.



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