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Ministry Takes Action: Demolitions Begin in Ayvalık

The Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change is cracking down on illegal constructions on beaches, as part of the “Seas Belong to the People Project” led by Minister Mehmet Özhaseki. The ongoing efforts involve the demolition of unauthorized structures that hinder public access to the beaches.

Inspections conducted by teams from the Ministry are targeting unauthorized use and construction in accordance with the Coastal Law. In Ayvalık, a popular tourism destination, the first round of demolition and evacuation procedures has begun.

In response to complaints from residents in the Küçükköy District of Ayvalık, it was discovered that a business had violated legislation by constructing a vault system, fence, railing, and wire mesh. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change, and with the coordination of the Ayvalık District Governorate and Municipality, the unauthorized building was demolished. The removal of all barriers preventing public access to the coasts and seas, important natural assets of Turkey, will continue after Eid al-Adha.

The Ministry’s proactive approach to addressing unauthorized constructions serves as a reminder that the preservation of public spaces is a top priority. By enforcing regulations and taking swift action, the Ministry aims to protect the integrity of coastal areas and ensure that they remain accessible to all.


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