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Miraculous Rescue: 2 Miners Saved from Collapsed Mine After 11 Hours

Two Miners Rescued After 11 Hours from a Collapse in Turkish Mine

A dramatic incident occurred at Turnalı Madencilik, which operates the 7th furnace in the 11th field of the Turkish Hard Coal Corporation, in the Gelik town of Kilimli district at 15.30. Despite the collapse that blocked the walking path with stones, soil, and coal, no one was left under the rubble as it occurred far from the area where the workers were working. Miners Furkan Bahar (26) and Anıl Açıcı (33), who were on the other side of the collapse, used the intercom in the mine to ask for help as they were unable to reach the surface due to the collapse. Fortunately, they were both unharmed.

Once mine officials were notified, the Turkish Hard Coal Enterprise rescue team, AFAD, gendarmerie, and medical teams were dispatched to the mine. The stranded workers were able to establish communication with their families via the intercom and assured them that they were fine.

Zonguldak Governor Osman Hacıbektaşoğlu also went to the region and made inspections. After approximately 11 hours of intense work, the workers were finally brought to the surface after clearing the cave-in blocking the road. Bahar and Açıcı, who were first checked by the medical team waiting at the site, were taken to Atatürk State Hospital by ambulance as a precaution. An investigation into the incident has been launched.

The successful rescue of the two miners is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the rescue teams and the commitment to the safety and well-being of workers in the mining industry. It is a relief to hear that both workers emerged unscathed from the incident, and we hope that measures will be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future.



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