
MOHU Waste Management Expanding Recycling Centres

MOHU, a unit of the oil and gas company MOL, is expanding its waste management operations in Hungary. The company, which holds a nationwide waste management concession, has announced the opening of five new recycling centres in Komárom, Fót, Veresegyház, Tata, and Karcag.

According to Mohu, the parent company of I Can, several hundred billion forints are being invested in the development of a network of 83 recycling centres across the country. The first centre was inaugurated in 2024, with plans to continue expanding and improving waste management infrastructure.

The new recycling centres aim to promote sustainable waste management practices and increase recycling rates in Hungary. By providing convenient and accessible facilities for residents to dispose of their recyclable materials, MOHU hopes to contribute to a cleaner and greener environment.

In addition to the expansion of recycling centres, MOHU is also investing in high-tech garbage trucks to enhance waste collection and transportation services. The company’s ambitious plans include conquering Hungary’s roads with state-of-the-art waste management technology by 2027.

For more information on MOHU’s waste management initiatives and future developments, visit their website or follow them on social media. Stay tuned for updates on the company’s efforts to promote sustainable waste management practices and environmental conservation in Hungary.



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