
“My Client Was Traveling Overseas” – BRTK

The İsias Hotel case continues to unfold as the defense lawyers present their arguments in court. In the fourth hearing at the Adıyaman 3rd High Criminal Court, the lawyers requested that expert reports be awaited and the judicial control of their clients be lifted.

One of the key points raised by Architect Erdem Yıldız’s lawyer was the lack of connection between his client and the municipality. It was emphasized that Yıldız was abroad at the time the architectural project was allegedly signed, making it impossible for him to be responsible for any work done after 2003.

Furthermore, Yıldız’s lawyer expressed frustration with the process, stating that municipal officials should be prosecuted, as his client did not have the authority to issue licenses. A criminal complaint was even filed against the experts, claiming that the signatures on the reports were fake.

The lawyers representing Ahmet Bozkurt and Mehmet Fatih Bozkurt also requested the release of their clients, arguing that detention had turned into punishment rather than precaution. They raised concerns about the handling of evidence and questioned why new core samples were being requested instead of using existing samples.

Tensions rose during the hearing, leading to a verbal argument between families and lawyers, resulting in the removal of those who were being violent from the courtroom. The hearing was adjourned for one hour to address the situation, with heightened security measures put in place.

As the case progresses, it is clear that there are multiple layers of complexity and differing perspectives on the events leading up to the collapse of the İsias Hotel. The search for justice and accountability continues as the legal process unfolds.



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