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NATO Urges Europe to Ramp Up Weapons Production

NATO Secretary General Urges European Countries to Increase Arms Production

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has called for European countries to increase arms production in preparation for potential conflict, as he warned that Russian President Vladimir Putin is preparing the Russian economy for a long war.

In an interview with the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag, published ahead of the NATO Defense Ministers Meeting on February 15 and the second anniversary of the war in Ukraine, Stoltenberg emphasized the need for a faster restructuring and expansion of the industrial base to accelerate supplies to Ukraine and replenish NATO’s stocks.

“This means a transition from slow production during peacetime to high-tempo production during conflict,” Stoltenberg stated, adding that companies producing weapons in free market economies need signed contracts to increase their production.

Stoltenberg pointed out that Russian aggression could spread to other countries if Putin is successful in Ukraine, and stressed the importance of supporting Ukraine and investing in NATO military capabilities as a means of defense. He stated that NATO does not want war with Russia, but needs to prepare for a potential conflict that could last for decades.

“We are closely following Russia’s actions and have increased our presence in the eastern part of the alliance,” Stoltenberg said, noting that Russia currently poses no direct military threat to any NATO country. However, he emphasized the need for credible deterrence, stating, “Deterrence works only when it is credible.”

Stoltenberg’s comments come amid rising tensions between NATO and Russia, and as European countries continue to grapple with the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. As the NATO Defense Ministers Meeting approaches, Stoltenberg’s call for increased arms production serves as a reminder of the continued need for vigilance and preparedness in the face of potential conflict.



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