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Natural Gas Market Certificate Application Update

The Natural Gas Market Certificate Regulation has been amended by EMRA, and the new changes are now in effect after being published in the Official Gazette.

The updated regulation now prohibits any unauthorized intervention in gas lines by individuals or entities without the permission of the relevant distribution company. It also addresses concerns such as the use of illegal natural gas, misuse of non-standard materials, and risks to life safety. In cases where these violations occur, the distribution company is required to notify EMRA with specific information and documents, and new applications for the company will not be accepted until the Board makes a decision on the matter.

EMRA has also emphasized that investigations into these violations will be considered a priority, and the Board may decide to cancel a company’s certificate without the need for a written warning as a result of the investigation. If the certificate is cancelled, the distribution company and other relevant parties will be notified in writing, and those responsible for the violations will face consequences.

Additionally, the regulation now requires distribution companies to obtain project approval before carrying out any internal installations and services. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in penalties or further action by EMRA.

If a distribution company commits the same violations twice within a certain period, they are obligated to report these violations to EMRA within 5 working days. The certificate owner, who may be prevented from submitting a new application, must continue production and gas opening works under the supervision of the distribution company until the issues are resolved.

Overall, these changes aim to ensure the safety, legality, and efficiency of natural gas operations in the market, with a focus on compliance and accountability for all parties involved.



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