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Netanyahu’s Son Endorses Israeli Soldier’s Threat in Gaza

An Israeli soldier’s video statement in front of a wall with slogans about the Kach movement, a classified terrorist organization in Israel, inside a destroyed house in Gaza has caused a stir. The soldier declared, “I and the 100 thousand reserve soldiers with me will not hand over the keys of Gaza to any Palestinian administration.” He called on the Minister of Defense to resign and emphasized that only Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should lead the army.

The soldier’s remarks, advocating for the killing of all Palestinians, have raised concerns within the army. Netanyahu’s son, Yair Netanyahu, also shared the video, further adding to the controversy. The incident is now under investigation, with the possibility of charges of sedition and a 5-year prison sentence.

The Israeli army condemned the soldier’s behavior as a serious violation of military orders and values. The Military Chief Prosecutor has ordered an investigation and dialogue with soldiers and commanders at all levels. The soldier’s statements come amid ongoing disagreements between Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant over the post-war administration in Gaza.

Gallant’s call for an alternative government to Hamas that would be accepted by the Arabs has faced backlash from extremist ministers in the government. The incident highlights the tensions within the Israeli military and the challenges of post-war administration in Gaza.


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