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Never Give Up: A Call from Amputee Officer to His Friends

Despite the accident that took Metin Karadağ’s right hand, he did not give up and continued to work for the common good as a civil servant. After an unfortunate workplace accident in 2004, Karadağ showed great resilience. This is an inspiring story for everyone, including the disabled community. During an interview, Karadağ expressed the emotional hardship he faced but also the encouragement he received, particularly from his family members.

As a public servant at the Yeşilhisar District State Hospital, Karadağ made use of his piratical skills and a computer with only one hand in the counseling department. His story should serve as a model for other disabled individuals to push boundaries. After losing his job and feeling socially excluded, Karadağ’s determination to continue his professional life is praiseworthy.

The difficulties faced by disabled people in the workforce are a common problem. Karadağ’s story shows that despite these challenges, disabled citizens have plenty to offer society. His courage and hard work illustrate the importance of recognizing disabled citizens’ abilities and encouraging them to succeed in a variety of career fields.



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