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New 3-Year National Employment Plan Revealed

President Erdoğan has approved and published the action plan for the National Employment Strategy for the years 2025-2028 in the Official Gazette. The plan outlines four basic policy determinations aimed at enhancing employment opportunities in the country.

One of the key focuses of the plan is to adapt green and digital transformation to skills in labor markets to promote employment. Additionally, the plan aims to strengthen the relationship between social protection and employment, as well as to ensure sustainable employment in rural areas.

The three-year road map of employment set out in the plan includes ambitious targets such as reducing the unemployment rate to 7 percent by 2028 and achieving a 52.5 percent employment rate for the same year. The plan also emphasizes the importance of continuing the fight against informal employment to improve overall job security.

Furthermore, the plan aims to reduce the informal employment rate to 23 percent by 2028 and increase the participation of women in the workforce to 56.7 percent. Additionally, the plan targets a reduction in the young unemployed rate to 16 percent.

A key aspect of the plan is the goal of reducing the young unemployed ratio to 16.6 percent through a focus on elements such as equality of inclusion and opportunity, social dialogue, promoting human dignity in work, and effective risk management.

Overall, the National Employment Strategy for 2025-2028 reflects a comprehensive approach to addressing unemployment and enhancing job opportunities in Turkey. Through a combination of policy measures and targeted initiatives, the plan aims to create a more inclusive and sustainable labor market for all citizens.



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