
New Anti-Hungarian Romanian Party Enters European Parliament

S.O.S. Romania, a political party led by Diana Şoşoacă, is making a significant shift by joining a new political group initiated by the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD). This decision comes after six members of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) recently joined the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group.

The AfD, which was previously expelled from the Identity and Democracy (ID) group in the European Parliament, is now forming a new group called “The Sovereignists” with various small European parties. This move was prompted by controversial statements made by the AfD leader, resulting in their expulsion from the ID group.

According to reports from, S.O.S. Romania, under the leadership of Diana Şoşoacă, is in talks to potentially join the new parliamentary faction initiated by the AfD. In a recent TV interview, Şoşoacă revealed that discussions with AfD had been ongoing for a year, and one of the obstacles to forming the new group was related to Hungarian-Romanian disputes.

Interestingly, Şoşoacă extended a friendly hand to a Hungarian far-right MEP from the Our Homeland Movement (Mi Hazánk Mozgalom) who is also seeking to join the group. This gesture highlights a commitment to peace and friendship despite political differences.

In related news, the ultranationalist AUR MEPs recently joined the ECR Group, led by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. However, this decision was met with criticism from Csoma Botond, spokesperson for the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (RMDSZ), who expressed disagreement with the ECR’s approval of the AUR MEPs.

Furthermore, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán made it clear that Fidesz, the Hungarian government party, has no intentions of joining a party alliance that includes an anti-Hungarian party. Orbán emphasized that they cannot sit in a faction that goes against Hungarian interests.

As political realignments continue in the European Parliament, the inclusion of S.O.S. Romania in the new group initiated by the AfD marks a significant development in European politics. With ongoing discussions and negotiations, the landscape of political alliances and factions is evolving, reflecting the complex dynamics at play in the European political arena.


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