
New English Title: Russian Language Course in Central Asia Imposes Stringent Regulations

Russian Agency Imposes Stricter Rules on Central Asian Migrants

The Russian Federal Agency of Ethnic Affairs (FADN) has introduced new rules of conduct for Central Asian migrants that impose significant restrictions on their language usage and religious practices. In a 70-minute course conducted in seminars across certain parts of Russia, migrants are informed about the stringent regulations they must adhere to.

Among the requirements set by the FADN, Central Asian migrants are mandated to possess a proficient knowledge of the Russian language and migration laws. They are instructed not to converse in their native language when discussing Russians and are prohibited from whistling at individuals of the opposite gender. Additionally, the course advises against using their mother tongue even in private conversations in public settings.

Furthermore, the guidelines extend to religious restrictions, with the slaughtering of animals for religious purposes in public being deemed unacceptable. Refraining from addressing Russians as “brother” or “sister” is also highlighted as inappropriate behavior.

In addition to the language and behavioral mandates, the course also includes a history lesson that emphasizes the significant financial backing Central Asia received from the Soviet Union. Migrants are informed about the potential for simplified Russian citizenship acquisition by serving in the Russian military and are cautioned against associating with extremists or individuals involved in terrorist activities.

While these regulations have not yet been enacted as law, there are speculations that the “adaptation course” could become compulsory for migrants seeking long-term residency, employment, and citizenship in Russia. The course has been piloted in four Russian regions, with plans to roll it out nationwide.

Central Asian migrants, upon learning of these proposed rules, have expressed concerns about the potential impact on their livelihoods. Some contemplate returning to their home countries or seeking opportunities elsewhere due to the evolving regulatory landscape. There are apprehensions about increased corruption among Russian law enforcement as a result of the new rules.

As debates surrounding the integration of migrants continue, the potential implications of these regulations on Russia’s workforce and economy are being closely monitored. With Central Asia serving as a vital source of labor for Russia, the enforcement of strict guidelines could have far-reaching consequences on both migrants and the host country.



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