
New Faculties, Colleges, and Institutes Established Amid Closures: Official Gazette Announcement

Several changes have been made in the Turkish education system, as announced in the Official Gazette. In a recent decision, some faculties, colleges, and institutes were closed down while new ones were established.

At Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University, the Patnos Sultan Alparslan Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering has been officially closed. In its place, the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture has been established. This change aims to cater to the evolving needs of the education system and provide students with more diverse options for their academic pursuits.

Other institutions that have undergone changes include Boğaziçi University, Gümüşhane University, and Çankaya University. The Aydın Doğan Communication Institute at Boğaziçi University, the School of Physical Education and Sports at Gümüşhane University, and the Institute of Science and Social Sciences at Çankaya University have all been closed.

In their place, new institutions have been established. The Boğaziçi University Film and Media Studies Institute, the Gümüşhane University Faculty of Sports Sciences, and the Çankaya University Graduate Education Institute have been set up to replace the previous ones.

Furthermore, a name change has been made for the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at Uşak University. It will now be known as the Faculty of Theology, reflecting a more accurate and inclusive name for the institution.

These changes in the Turkish education system reflect a commitment to adapt to the changing needs and demands of students and society. By closing down outdated institutions and establishing new ones, the government aims to provide a more robust and relevant education system for all.



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