
New Street Signs Unveiled in Shusha at Molla Panah Vagif and Panahali Khan Intersection

President Ilham Aliyev Unveils Signs in Shusha

On May 9, President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan attended the unveiling ceremony of the signs at the intersection of Molla Panah Vagif and Panahali Khan Streets in Shusha. During the event, Aydin Karimov, the Special Representative of the President in the Shusha district, discussed the works that will be done in the streets with the President.

Molla Panah Vagif street is 2,473 meters long and 10-15 meters wide. Meanwhile, Panahali Khan street covers 864 meters in length and 10-13 meters in width.

The event is another significant development for Azerbaijan after the country’s victory over Armenia in the Nagorno-Karabakh war. Armenian forces occupied the region for over three decades, leading to the displacement of thousands of Azerbaijanis. However, after a 44-day war that started in September 2020, Azerbaijan managed to liberate large swathes of Nagorno-Karabakh, including Shusha, from Armenian occupation.

The liberation of Shusha, known as the cultural capital of Azerbaijan, was a significant milestone, and the Azerbaijani government has since been working to restore and reconstruct the city. The unveiling of the signs at the intersection of Molla Panah Vagif and Panahali Khan Streets is just one of the many efforts made by the government to revitalize Shusha.

Overall, the event is a testament to the Azerbaijani government’s commitment to developing and rebuilding the newly-liberated territories, including the culturally and historically significant Shusha city.



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