
New Title: EP Legal Affairs Committee Chairman Receives Letter from Parliament Speaker Töre

President of the Assembly of the Republic Töre congratulates Roberta Metsola on her re-election as President of the European Parliament

President of the Assembly of the Republic Töre recently sent a letter to Roberta Metsola, congratulating her on her re-election as President of the European Parliament. In his letter, Töre praised Metsola’s speech to the General Assembly and her statements with Greek Cypriot EP deputies on July 20. He also urged her not to overlook the sovereign equality of the Turkish Cypriot people.

Töre emphasized the European Union’s commitment to peace, democracy, and human rights, but also highlighted the human rights violations and unjust isolation faced by Turkish Cypriots. He clarified that the responsible parties in the Cyprus issue are not the Turkish Cypriot people or the Republic of Turkey.

Furthermore, Töre reminded Metsola of the agreements made in 1960, stipulating that the Republic of Cyprus cannot join any international organization where both Turkey and Greece, as guarantor states, are not simultaneously members. By accepting the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus into the Union as the Republic of Cyprus, this has made finding a solution to the Cyprus problem even more challenging.

In conclusion, Töre expressed that the Turkish Cypriot people also uphold the principles of peace, democracy, and human rights. He called for the recognition of their sovereign equality and equal international status by the European Parliament and other EU institutions. Töre wished Metsola success in her new term as President.

Additionally, in a separate letter to İlhan Küçük, President of the Assembly of the Republic, Töre congratulated him on his appointment as the President of the European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. He deemed Küçük’s election to this position as crucial for the TRNC and the Turkish Cypriot people. Töre expressed confidence in Küçük’s ability to amplify the voice of the Turkish Cypriot people in the European Parliament and wished him success in his new role.



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