
Nicaraguan Ambassador Accredited in Turkmenistan

The Republic of Nicaragua Strengthens Diplomatic Ties with Turkmenistan

On July 1, 2024, the Chairman of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, D.Gulmanova, accepted the credentials of the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Nicaragua, Tatiana Daniela Garcia Silva. This acceptance was done on the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, marking a significant step in enhancing the relationship between the two countries.

During the ceremony, D.Gulmanova congratulated Ambassador Tatiana on her appointment and wished her success in strengthening the bonds of friendship and cooperation between Turkmenistan and Nicaragua. In response, Ambassador Tatiana conveyed warm greetings from President Daniel Ortega Saavedra and expressed her honor at representing her country in Turkmenistan.

The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss the domestic and foreign policies of both countries, as well as the ongoing reforms and international initiatives. Ambassador Tatiana was particularly interested in learning about Turkmenistan’s participation in the Group of Friends of Sustainable Transport, which was established at Turkmenistan’s initiative in 2022.

Both parties expressed interest in intensifying interparliamentary contacts and cooperation in various areas to further enhance their relations. Ambassador Tatiana reaffirmed her commitment to deepening the friendship between Turkmenistan and Nicaragua and raising it to a new, higher level.

The accreditation of Ambassador Tatiana Daniela Garcia Silva signifies a positive step towards fostering mutual understanding and cooperation between the Republic of Nicaragua and Turkmenistan. It is hoped that this new chapter in their diplomatic relations will lead to increased collaboration and exchanges for the benefit of both nations.


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