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“No HDP Found on Our Table: Latest Update”

IYI Party leader Meral Akşener has confirmed that they have a calendar prepared for after May 14. Speaking on a live broadcast on Fox TV, Akşener said that their top priority was a strengthened parliamentary system. The leader also revealed a text of agreement between 6 parties on common policies on agriculture, to which they would attach great importance to cooperatives. The Nation Alliance, of which the IYI Party is a member, has also assigned two of their economic staff members to attend a rally in Istanbul. Akşener predicted that the election would end in the first round, with at least 301 votes. The leader also spoke about the warning by CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu to “not take to the streets” and the possibility of provocation, to which she says she trusts the nation very much. She also touched on the allegation that a delegation went to İmralı and put forward her recollection of the information that was given to her. Regarding Hezbollah and HUDA PAR, Akşener said that while the two parties were running from the same list, Hezbollah had problems with the first four articles of the Turkish constitution and that they do not see it as a terrorist organization. Finally, Akşener’s wish for Hıdırellez was for her party to be the first one, with one vote for Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and one vote for Meral Akşener.



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