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North Korea Tests Ballistic Missile

North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile and Opens Dam Gates Without Notifying South

In a recent statement by the South Korean General Staff, it was revealed that North Korea launched a ballistic missile towards the east in the morning. The missile, launched from near Pyongyang, exploded in the air over the East Sea after flying 250 kilometers. While North Korea claimed the activity was a successful “multiple-warhead missile test,” further details about the missile were not shared in the statement.

Meanwhile, South Korea has urged North Korea to notify them before opening the gates of the dam near the border. The North recently opened the dam gates to release water due to rainfall without informing the South. This action violated the inter-Korean agreement signed in 2009, which required North Korea to notify the South before releasing dam water. The agreement was put in place after 6 South Korean citizens tragically lost their lives as a result of Pyongyang releasing water from the Hwaggang Dam without prior notice.

South Korean officials are calling on North Korea to respect the agreement and prevent any further incidents that could result in loss of life or damage due to flooding. The relationship between the two countries remains tense as North Korea continues to conduct missile tests and take action without proper communication with South Korea.


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