
Orbán Cabinet Faces High-Stakes Decisions on June 9th

Hungarians will be faced with a crucial decision at the upcoming European Parliament elections on June 9th, as the stakes have never been higher, according to Tamás Deutsch, leader of the Fidesz-Christian Democrat list. Deutsch emphasized the importance of this election, stating that it will determine whether Hungary will choose a path of war or peace.

Following the recent Peace March, which was hailed as the largest peace rally in Europe, Deutsch praised the unity and strength demonstrated by the participants. He expressed gratitude towards the organizers of the Peace March, the Civic Union (CÖF), and encouraged all pro-peace Hungarians to exercise their right to vote and support Fidesz-Christian Democrats, the “only pro-peace” political force.

In a separate statement, the communications director of the ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat alliance, Tamás Menczer, highlighted the real threat to children – war, not posters. Menczer criticized Peter Magyar’s attempt to remove “STOP war” posters, insinuating that Magyar, influenced by George Soros, prioritizes political agenda over the well-being of children. Menczer stressed that the ongoing war in the region and the looming possibility of a world war with nuclear weapons pose a significant danger, far greater than any posters.

Menczer called on Hungarians who value the safety and future of their children and grandchildren to support Viktor Orbán and the Fidesz-Christian Democrats in the upcoming elections. He reaffirmed their commitment to peace and the protection of Hungary’s security.

As the June 9th elections draw closer, the debate between war and peace becomes increasingly urgent for Hungarian voters. Their decision will not only shape the future of Hungary but also influence the broader European landscape.



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