
Orbán’s Fidesz Aims to Reach 1 Million People on Final Day of Campaign

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán continues his campaign efforts ahead of the upcoming EP and local elections, meeting with locals in Dabas, south of Budapest. According to his press chief, Orbán engaged in discussions with the local mayor and other mayors in the region during his visit.

As the leader of the ruling Fidesz party, Orbán emphasized the importance of a final push for victory, stating that “a last big effort is needed for our victory.” To rally support, Orbán announced plans for the Day of One Million Encounters, where 50,000 Fidesz activists will aim to reach one million people in person on the last day before the elections.

In a video shared on social media, Orbán underscored the significance of the upcoming elections, portraying them as a choice between peace or war. He reiterated his commitment to participating in the campaign drive on Saturday, highlighting the high stakes involved in the upcoming elections.

With the Day of One Million Encounters fast approaching, Orbán and his supporters are gearing up for a final push to secure support in the run-up to the elections. Stay tuned for more updates on Orbán’s campaign efforts as the election date draws near.



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