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Over 445 Thousand Drivers Processed in a Week

Minister Yerlikaya Shares Data on Traffic Inspections

Minister Yerlikaya recently shared important data on traffic inspections conducted by police and gendarmerie teams in a span of one week. The Minister revealed that a total of 2,365,059 vehicles were inspected between August 22-29, 2024, with a total of 445,375 vehicles and drivers examined for various violations.

Among the violations recorded were 123,603 cases of speeding, 23,594 vehicles without periodic inspections, 16,396 drivers not wearing seat belts, 14,117 individuals driving without a valid driver’s license, and 8,944 vehicles without compulsory financial liability insurance. In addition, action was taken against 229 drivers who illegally installed devices with light or sound warning signs in their vehicles.

Minister Yerlikaya emphasized the importance of obeying traffic rules and regulations, particularly in the fight against drunk driving. He highlighted the continuous efforts of traffic officers in enforcing road safety measures and stressed the need for drivers to avoid excessive speeding, wear seat belts, and ensure vehicles are properly insured.

Yerlikaya reminded the public that journeys are meant to bring loved ones together, not to cause harm or separation. He urged everyone to prioritize safety on the roads and cooperate with law enforcement to create a safer and more responsible driving environment for all.



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