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Oxfam UK President Begum Criticizes Britain’s Arms Sales to Israel

Oxfam activist criticizes Britain’s arms sales to Israel

In a recent interview with the British newspaper The Guardian, Oxfam activist Begum expressed her concerns regarding Britain’s arms sales to Israel. Begum, who has recently visited Israel and the West Bank, questioned Britain’s stance on selling arms to a country involved in conflicts that result in the loss of innocent lives.

Begum emphasized the contradiction in Britain’s actions, stating, “It is a very controversial issue whether you say that the goods sold are whole weapons or weapon components. Individual components kill many innocent people.” She called on the British government to halt arms sales to Israel, highlighting the hypocrisy of providing humanitarian aid while simultaneously contributing to the violence in the region.

Despite calls for a halt in arms sales to Israel, Begum noted that the current laws aimed at regulating such sales are ineffective. She questioned the morality of continuing to sell weapons that will inevitably result in the deaths of innocent civilians, especially children.

Drawing parallels to past actions taken by Britain and the USA to halt arms sales to Israel during times of conflict, Begum highlighted the need for a stronger stance against violence. She recalled how past leaders had taken bold measures to stop the export of weapons to Israel, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing human lives over profit.

Begum also emphasized the importance of upholding international humanitarian law and human rights when addressing conflicts such as the one in Gaza. She warned against blindly supporting one side in a conflict at the expense of human rights and international law.

Despite the British Foreign Office’s claims that arms sales to Israel account for a small percentage of the country’s imports, Begum and other activists continue to call for an end to these sales. As the conflict in Gaza rages on, Begum’s words serve as a reminder of the ethical responsibilities that come with selling weapons in a war-torn region.



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