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Palestinian Prime Minister Abbas to Address Turkish Parliament on Palestinian Cause

Palestinian President Abbas to Explain the Palestinian Cause in the Turkish Grand National Assembly

TBMM Speaker Kurtulmuş said, “If there is no setback in the coming days, we will invite Mr. Abbas to the TBMM General Assembly and he will explain the Palestinian cause in the presence of the deputies.”

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is set to address the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) to shed light on the Palestinian cause. This announcement was made by TBMM Speaker Numan Kurtulmuş, who expressed his intention to invite Mr. Abbas to address the deputies in the near future.

Kurtulmuş emphasized the importance of the Palestinian cause and the need for awareness and support from the international community. He stated, “If everything goes as planned in the upcoming days, we will extend an invitation to Mr. Abbas to speak in front of the TBMM deputies and elaborate on the pressing issues faced by Palestine.”

The Palestinian cause has garnered global attention due to the ongoing conflict in the region, with many countries expressing their solidarity with the Palestinian people. By inviting President Abbas to address the TBMM, Turkey aims to highlight the plight of Palestinians and advocate for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story as President Abbas prepares to address the TBMM and shed light on the challenges faced by the Palestinian people.



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