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Peaceful Resolution Prevails Over Disruption Attempts

Fahrettin Altun, Director of Communications for the Presidency of Turkey, recently addressed the negative atmosphere being created in public opinion regarding Syrian refugees and the provocations aimed at increasing tension. In a statement on his social media account, Altun emphasized the efforts of certain circles, backed by elements hostile to Turkey, to disrupt the peace of the country through provocative activities.

Altun stated that the dedicated efforts of all elements of the state are preventing these provocations from achieving their goal. He highlighted the continuous work being done by relevant state units, coordinated by the Directorate of Communications, to counter unfounded claims, deliberately false news, and disinformation activities spread on social media platforms.

The focus of these efforts is to combat disinformation and to maintain public order by ensuring that citizens are not misled by false news. Altun urged citizens to act sensitively, avoiding giving credence to false information and relying on reliable sources, particularly official authorities.

The message from Fahrettin Altun serves as a reminder for individuals to be cautious and discerning when consuming information, especially on social media, where disinformation can easily spread. By staying informed and vigilant, citizens can contribute to safeguarding public peace and stability.


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