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People’s Alliance Celebrates Election Victory in Squares Across Turkey

Turkey Celebrates Presidential and Parliamentary Election Results

Celebrations are ongoing in Turkey following the recent presidential and parliamentary elections held on May 14. Supporters of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the People’s Alliance parties have turned the city centers of Kısıklı, Bursa, Sivas, and Şanlıurfa into a festive playground.

In Kısıklı, people formed a convoy of vehicles on the roads leading to the president’s residence. Those who came to celebrate brought torches and Turkish flags, singing songs and shouting slogans to show their joy.

Similarly, in Bursa, supporters of the People’s Alliance celebrated the happiness of gaining a majority in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. They unfurled posters of President Erdoğan and lit torches while waving Turkish flags.

In Sivas, party members supporting the People’s Alliance flocked to the city square after 80% of the ballot boxes were opened. They celebrated by lighting torches and shouting slogans from buses and pickup trucks.

Lastly, in Şanlıurfa, citizens made a convoy with their vehicles, danced halay in the squares to the accompaniment of drums and horns, and expressed their joy at the leading position of the AK Party.

Overall, citizens who came to celebrate said they were happy with the current election results and stand by President Erdoğan whether he wins or loses. The election results have clearly spurred excitement and enthusiasm among supporters of the People’s Alliance parties.



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